
Best Angiography Doctor in Aurangabad | Dr Shrikant Dhanwale

Angiography doctor in Aurangabad

What is Angiography?
Angiography is a diagnostic imaging procedure used to visualize the inside of blood vessels, focusing primarily on arteries and heart chambers. During the procedure, a contrast agent is injected into the bloodstream, followed by X-ray imaging to detect any abnormalities, blockages, or damage in the blood vessels.
Dr. Shrikant Dhanwale, a renowned angiography doctor in Aurangabad, offers expert angiography services, having performed over 2,000 coronary artery angiographies, primarily through the radial and distal radial routes.

Why is Angiography Performed?

Angiography is recommended when a patient experiences chest pain, stroke, heart attacks, or other symptoms that may indicate issues such as blockages or damage in the blood vessels. This procedure helps healthcare providers pinpoint the location and extent of any abnormalities or blockages, guiding further treatment decisions.

Types of Angiography:

  • Coronary Artery Angiography: This is an invasive procedure used to check for narrowing or blockages in the blood vessels supplying the heart. If any issues are detected, your cardiologist may recommend an angioplasty to open up the blocked arteries.
  • CT Coronary Angiography: Using CT (computed tomography) technology, this test creates detailed, three-dimensional images of the heart, specifically focusing on the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles.
  • Peripheral Angiography: This test is performed to identify blockages or narrowings in the arteries supplying blood to the legs, feet, arms, or hands using X-rays and contrast dye.
  • Renal Angiography: This imaging test is used to examine blood vessels in the kidneys for issues such as blockages, narrowing, or ballooning.
  • Cerebral Angiography: This test focuses on the blood vessels in the brain, helping detect problems like aneurysms or blockages that could lead to stroke.

Benefits of Angiography:

  1. It helps healthcare providers make informed decisions about the best course of treatment for heart disease.
  2. The technique allows for precise identification of blockages or hemorrhages.
  3. Angiography can reduce the need for invasive surgeries, and if necessary, allows for more accurate intervention.

Looking for the Best Angiography Doctor in Aurangabad?

Dr. Shrikant Dhanwale provides the most advanced and effective angiography services in Aurangabad. For more information about our comprehensive heart care services, or to schedule an appointment with the best angiography doctor in Aurangabad, call 084548 26304 or click “Book Appointment” for online scheduling at your nearest hospital.